2024 GOALS

I know it’s a bit late to share my goals for the new year – which is not so new anymore haha – but since it’s my first blog post, I thought it would be a great start.

It’s someting I like to do every year to keep my focus and know where to put my priorities. It’s a way to motivate yourself and keep an eye on your achievements, Is there anything better to look back at look at your goals from last year and see where you are now?


  • I want to eat more fruits and vegetables. I don’t want to put any pressure on myself when it comes to food, but I tend to go for cookies more often than fruit and vegetables, you know? I don’t want to eliminate cookies, just incorporate more healthy choices.
  • Read between 10 to 15 books. I reconnected with my love of reading in 2023. I’ve always had a funny relationship with reading where I can either read 22 books in 6 months or 0 for 5 years. It’s a hobby that I really enjoy and that relaxes me before going to bed so I’d like to continue making time for it.
  • Be consistent with my skincare routine. It’s a moment I really enjoy every day and something I’m passionate about. The thing is sometimes I’m a bit too lazy to do it every day – like I would want to.
  • Decide whether or not I want a 2nd child. It’s a big question for me right now and I’d love to be able to find an answer. I’ll tell you more about it later, but I’m having a really hard time coming to a decision.
  • Declutter my home as much as I can.


  • My number 1 goal is to continue having a healthy baby girl. I know it’s out of my control, but it really is my priority. There’s nothing more important.
  • Have a night date at least once a month. It’s so easy to forget about ourselves as a couple and become only parents. I want to keep moments for us every month.
  • I’d love to take my first family trip. I spent a week in Mexico in January with my boyfriend and some friends (without my daughter) and it did me a world of good. Now I want to take a trip with my little girl.
  • Make the most of summer with my daughter and do lots of family activities. She’ll turn 2 this summer, so I think it’s a great age to do all sorts of things.
  • Making a toddler room for Livia, my daughter. She’s still sleeping in her bassinet now and I’d like to upgrade her room in the next couple of weeks.


  • I’m starting this blog today, a project I’ve been wanting to accomplish for quite some time now. I’ve finally decided to take the plunge and I want to learn more about it. My goald is to post every single week and build a great community.
  • I have monetary goals, but I like to keep the numbers to myself. I want to increase my salary and continue to diversify my sources of income.
  • I’m also a content creator on Instagram and I would love to continue collaborating with companies I love. I have so much fun doing this and it’s an honor to have the chance to work with various companies.

Finally, here is my vision board for 2024 :

I think this completes my goals for 2024. I can’t wait to see what this new year has in store for me.

If you’re reading this, thank you for joining me on this new adventure!

What are YOUR goals for 2024? 🙂

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